We understand everyone has their own job to attend, therefore discussing upcoming projects with other businesses isn’t always possible during your standard 9-5pm working hours. Lucky for you, our team are available from 8am – 5pm, but with thanks to a new feature on our website, you can chat with a team member until 8pm!
We have recently installed a new LIVE CHAT function on our website which lets you chat with our team via a simple messenger-style box whilst on our website. We’re still available via phone, email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or our online quote form, from Monday to Friday 8am-5pm, but our Live Chat will remain open until 8pm Monday to Friday.
Here’s how to use our Live Chat:

When you first land on our website, you’ll be greeted with our fantastic homepage (we’re biased, we know) and you’ll find a red & white pop-up to the bottom right of your screen (whether on desktop, tablet or mobile) as shown above.

To get started, all you need to do is type in your message to request a chat with our team. Most chats start with requesting a quote/price from ourselves, but you may have a query about your project or need advice. Whatever it is you need to chat to us about, you type it in here.
Someone from our team will then respond as soon as possible (typically within 20 seconds of receiving the first message. You can then discuss your query with them and hopefully end the chat as a satisfied customer!
If you have a good experience, we would really appreciate a review on Google (click here) or our Facebook page (click here).
Don’t forget, you can still contact us in other ways if Live Chat isn’t for you!
Call: 01270 258076
Email: sales@concretepanelsystems.co.uk