Concrete Panels for Grain Stores

Storing grain can be a delicate process but concrete panels provide the perfect solution to your grain storage needs.

Long hailed the perfect grain store solution, pre-stressed concrete wall panels give a strong, smooth and durable wall, which is easy to clean- a necessity when hygiene is so important in grain preservation.

Storing grain in tired buildings that allow all weathers to get in will only bring problems. These damp conditions act as a breeding ground for many common species and although drying the grain after combining will slow down insect development, it is essential that moisture content is kept to 12% or below to reduce the risk as much as possible. The structure itself is a vital factor in this and one that needs to be well considered.

Grain Store CPS

Starting with a high quality CE Marked steel frame and the best quality roofing materials ensure that the building prevents rain and other such weather to penetrate the building. Decent roofing will also reduce or eliminate the entry of birds and pests into the building.

The high strength imparted by pre-stressing our concrete panels enables them to endure the pressure of machinery impact when moving grain, without serious damage, ensuring a long-lasting, truly durable structure for all grain stores. Our concrete panels are also quick and easy to install, without the need for foundations as they just slot in between steel supports.

Our sister company, Graham Heath Construction, has fantastic full Grain Store offer on at the moment:

OFFER 1 – 100 X 50 X 18 with 3.5m grain walls: £36,100

OFFER 2 – 80 x 60 x 18 with 3.0m grain walls: £36,600

For more information, or to purchase a grain store, give our expert team a call on 01270 258076.

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